[NSWI004] Quiz and a lot of other updates

Petr Tuma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Nov 6 20:33:48 CET 2020

Good evening,

we have a lot of updates for you in this one mail.

First, the upstream grading repo was updated with the new quizzes. As explained during the lecture today, there is no grading quiz, instead we would ask you to fill in an anonymous questionnaire at https://forms.gle/1vEGR43pt7c44FTL8. Please take a look at the `06-synchronization-graded.md` file for instructions how to claim your points for the questionnaire.

The self study material is uploaded as usual, please do not forget to commit your answers to the questions in this quiz before the usual deadline, next Thursday by noon.

Now for the other stuff. If you merge from the upstream team assignment repo, you will get a bunch of updates that should improve your work environment:

- We have made the builds more deterministic so now there should be no difference between a local build at the `lab` machine and a build in GitLab CI. You should not need to do anything to enable this.

- We have added support for shifting the kernel image end with padding, this should help test the tricky issue one of the teams reported this week. You should not need to do anything to enable this either.

- With recent enough `msim`, the default exception handlers will now also dump the CP0 registers, which contain the exception cause information and other useful stuff.

As always, we tried our best to avoid breaking changes, but still please be careful when merging so that you do not break your code just before the deadline.

Finally, if you want to make your kernel data structures a bit more resistant to random overwriting, please take a look at https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/teaching/nswi004/exercises-mcc. The code at that link will help you easily add checksum information to any structure you use, with checks that will notify you should the structure be corrupted.

Obviously, when I say "we", I mean "Vojtech and Lubomir did the work and I get to brag about it" :-)

Let us know if you have see issues.


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