[NSWI004] More notes for A00 and A01

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Oct 14 19:58:24 CEST 2020


sorry for spamming but several points raised during the labs shall be 
forwarded to everybody.

The purpose of A00 and our comments on your code were to get everyone on 
the right track and as a warm-up for the C language.

Please, go through these comments and try to apply them when moving 
things to kernel and A01. That is, it is not necessary (unless 
explicitly marked with FIX in your comments) to change your code for A00 
- focus your effort on A01 now.

I managed to add one more test into A01 that is not mentioned in the 
text - modifier %u for printing unsigned int. For about 95% of you 
adding support for this would mean adding two more lines to your printk. 
If it means more work, feel free to remove the printk/uint test 
completely (you can return to it later in the team assignment). Again, 
my apologies.

Also, do not forget to form your teams. Next assignment will be again 
published as a separate (team) repository (and without a team, you will 
not be able to access it).

Stay healthy,
- VH

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