[NSWI004] Question

Petr Tůma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Sep 28 13:14:44 CEST 2020

Hi Georgii,

for the 32-bit compiler to produce an executable, you also need the correct 32-bit version if the standard C or C++ library to be installed. The exact name of the package will depend on your Linux distribution, it is best to take a look at the packages with names that include libc or libgcc that you already have installed, and add their i686 versions to your system.

For the instructions and addressing modes, I would suggest to have that as a topic for discussion during the Friday lecture. If you want to read up on the topic in the meantime, Wikipedia has an extensive article on the topic.

Hope this helps, Petr

On 26/09/2020 12:05, Georgii Ekserdzhian wrote:
> Good morning, Mr. Tuma.
> I already have some questions if you don't mind:
> 1) When I try to compile: gcc -o main -m32 main.c
> I get an error(attachment).
> 2) I'm a bit confused with instructions and addressing modes. Can we have a zoom meeting to discuss this?
> Georgii Ekserdzhian

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