Standard Signals
SIGHUP1Controlling terminal closed
SIGINT2Request for interrupt sent from keyboard
SIGQUIT3Request for quit sent from keyboard
SIGILL4Illegal instruction
SIGTRAP5Breakpoint instruction
SIGABRT6Request for abort
SIGBUS7Illegal bus cycle
SIGFPE8Floating point exception
SIGKILL9Request for kill
SIGUSR110User defined signal 1
SIGSEGV11Illegal memory access
SIGUSR212User defined signal 2
SIGPIPE13Broken pipe
SIGALRM14Timer alarm
SIGTERM15Request for termination
SIGTERM16Illegal stack access
SIGCHLD17Child process status changed
SIGCONT18Request to continue when stopped
SIGSTOP19Request to stop
SIGTSTP20Request for stop sent from keyboard
SIGTTIN21Input from terminal when on background
SIGTTOU22Output to terminal when on background