Hazelcast is an in memory datastore cluster with replication and processing support.
Node is part of client (Java)
Nodes are separate servers with connected clients (Java, Python, C++, C# ...)
Connects to all server nodes and distributes requests
Connects to one server node that mediates requests
Partitioning. Partitioned data structures split between nodes
By default 271 partitions
Per instance configurable backup copies
Per instance configurable synchronization with backup copies
Read of backup copies possible with reduced consistency guarantees
Nodes can form partition groups
Used to distribute partitions across failure domains
Can be derived from deployment architecture in cloud
Partitioning uses consistent hash algorithm
Smart clients can communicate with relevant nodes directly
Non partitioned data structures can specify partition manually
Hazelcast supports multiple member discovery mechanisms. When cluster membership changes, partitions are migrated accordingly. Standard member discovery mechanisms include multicast, bootstrap from existing cluster member, discovery through shared registry (Active Directory, ZooKeeper, Consul, etcd) and discovery through resource enumeration (Amazon Elastic Cloud, Google Cloud Platform).
distributed hash map with possible persistency
distributed hash set with possible persistency
a hash map variant that supports multiple values per key
a hash map variant that stores all entries everywhere
distributed blocking queue
ordered list stored on one node
distributed circular buffer
distributed map update journal
distributed set cardinality estimator
public interface IMap <K,V> extends ConcurrentMap <K,V>, BaseMap<K,V>, Iterable <Map.Entry <K,V>> { // Synchronous access methods V get (Object key); Map <K,V> getAll (Set <K> keys); void set (K key, V value); void setAll (Map <? extends K, ? extends V> map); V put (K key, V value); V putIfAbsent (K key, V value); void putAll (Map <? extends K, ? extends V> map); V replace (K key, V value); boolean replace (K key, V oldValue, V newValue); V remove (Object key); boolean remove (Object key, Object value); void removeAll (Predicate <K,V> predicate); void delete (Object key); void clear (); boolean containsKey (Object key); boolean containsValue (Object value); Iterator <Entry <K,V>> iterator (); Iterator <Entry <K,V>> iterator (int fetchSize); Set <K> keySet (); Set <K> keySet (Predicate <K,V> predicate); Set <K> localKeySet (); Set <K> localKeySet (Predicate <K,V> predicate); Collection <V> values (); Collection <V> values (Predicate <K,V> predicate); Set <Map.Entry <K,V>> entrySet (); Set <Map.Entry <K,V>> entrySet (Predicate <K,V> predicate); // Entries can have limited lifetime boolean setTtl (K key, long ttl, TimeUnit timeunit); void set (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit); void set (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit, long maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit); V put (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit); V put (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit, long maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit); V putIfAbsent (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit); V putIfAbsent (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit, long maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit); // Keys can be locked even if absent void lock (K key); void lock (K key, long leaseTime, TimeUnit timeUnit); boolean tryLock (K key); boolean tryLock (K key, long time, TimeUnit timeunit); boolean tryLock (K key, long time, TimeUnit timeunit, long leaseTime, TimeUnit leaseTimeunit); void unlock (K key); void forceUnlock (K key); boolean isLocked (K key); boolean tryPut (K key, V value, long timeout, TimeUnit timeunit); boolean tryRemove (K key, long timeout, TimeUnit timeunit); // Asynchronous access methods CompletionStage <V> getAsync (K key); CompletionStage <Void> setAsync (K key, V value); CompletionStage <Void> setAsync (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit); CompletionStage <Void> setAsync (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit, long maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit); CompletionStage <Void> setAllAsync (Map <? extends K, ? extends V> map); CompletionStage <V> putAsync (K key, V value); CompletionStage <V> putAsync (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit); CompletionStage <V> putAsync (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit, long maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit); CompletionStage <Void> putAllAsync (Map <? extends K, ? extends V> map); CompletionStage <V> removeAsync (K key); // Non transient entries can have backing store void loadAll(boolean replaceExistingValues); void loadAll(Set<K> keys, boolean replaceExistingValues); boolean evict (K key); void evictAll (); void flush(); void putTransient (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit); void putTransient (K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit, long maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit); // Local and global state change listeners with predicate filtering are supported UUID addLocalEntryListener (MapListener listener); UUID addLocalEntryListener (MapListener listener, Predicate <K,V> predicate, boolean includeValue); UUID addLocalEntryListener (MapListener listener, Predicate <K,V> predicate, K key, boolean includeValue); UUID addEntryListener (MapListener listener, boolean includeValue); UUID addEntryListener (MapListener listener, K key, boolean includeValue); UUID addEntryListener (MapListener listener, Predicate <K,V> predicate, boolean includeValue); UUID addEntryListener (MapListener listener, Predicate <K,V> predicate, K key, boolean includeValue); boolean removeEntryListener (UUID id); UUID addPartitionLostListener (MapPartitionLostListener listener); boolean removePartitionLostListener (UUID id); // Interceptors can modify or cancel operations String addInterceptor (MapInterceptor interceptor); boolean removeInterceptor (String id); // Entry view provides entry access statistics EntryView <K,V> getEntryView (K key); LocalMapStats getLocalMapStats (); // Distributed processing <R> R executeOnKey (K key, EntryProcessor <K,V,R> entryProcessor); <R> Map <K,R> executeOnKeys (Set<K> keys, EntryProcessor <K,V,R> entryProcessor); <R> Map <K,R> executeOnEntries (EntryProcessor <K,V,R> entryProcessor); <R> Map <K,R> executeOnEntries (EntryProcessor <K,V,R> entryProcessor, Predicate <K,V> predicate); <R> Collection <R> project (Projection <? super Map.Entry<K,V>,R> projection); <R> Collection <R> project (Projection <? super Map.Entry<K,V>,R> projection, Predicate <K,V> predicate); <R> R aggregate (Aggregator <? super Map.Entry <K,V>,R> aggregator); <R> R aggregate (Aggregator <? super Map.Entry <K,V>,R> aggregator, Predicate <K,V> predicate); <R> CompletionStage <R> submitToKey (K key, EntryProcessor <K,V,R> entryProcessor); <R> CompletionStage <Map<K,R>> submitToKeys (Set<K> keys, EntryProcessor <K,V,R> entryProcessor); // Cache for continuous queries defined by predicates QueryCache <K,V> getQueryCache (String name); QueryCache <K,V> getQueryCache (String name, Predicate <K,V> predicate, boolean includeValue); QueryCache <K,V> getQueryCache (String name, MapListener listener, Predicate <K,V> predicate, boolean includeValue); ... }
Primitive entries in a map are accessible as an SQL table with key and value columns. Object entries in a map are accessible as an SQL table with a key column and value columns with object fields. Field access via SQL restricts permitted value serializers and does not support nested objects.
publish subscribe messaging pattern implementation
configurable for sender or total ordering
totally ordered sends through topic owner
publish subscribe with backup ring buffer
configurable slow consumer handling
distributed recursive unfair lock
distributed semaphore
distributed counter
distributed atomic object storage (not quite reference)
distributed counter with relaxed consistency
distributed counter with wait for zero support
cluster wide unique identifier generator (for long integers)
embeds node identity to avoid communication
provides rough time ordering (k-ordering)
The counter is a conflict free replicated type represented by an array of positive and negative updates aggregated per node. Each node can compute the current counter value by summing the array items, updates to the array do not conflict and therefore do not need immediate synchronization.