FlatBuffers Schema Example

namespace SomeNamespace;

enum SomeEnum: int { One = 1, Two, Three }

struct SomeStructure {

    // Basic integer types.
    a_byte: byte;
    a_short: short;
    an_int: int;
    a_long: long;
    an_unsigned_short: ushort;
    an_unsigned_int: uint;
    an_unsigned_long: ulong;

    // Basic float types.
    a_float: float;
    a_double: double;

    // Array field only supported in structures.
    an_int_array: [int: 123];

table SomeTable {

    // Optional fields.
    a_byte: byte;
    an_int: int;
    a_string: string;

    // Required field of non basic types.
    a_required_string: string (required);
    a_required_enum_array: [SomeEnum] (required);

table AnotherTable {

    // Explicitly specified field identifiers.
    // Must form continuous range from 0.
    // Must be specified everywhere.
    an_int: int (id: 2);
    a_long: long (id: 0);
    a_string: string (id: 1);

    // Fields with default values.
    a_float: float = 0.0 (id: 3);

// Union types only for tables.
union SomeUnion { SomeTable, AnotherTable }

table RootTable {
    content: SomeUnion;

// Root type must be table.
root_type RootTable;