Protocol Buffers Message Specification Example

syntax = "proto3";

package org.example;

message SomeMessage {

    // Field identifiers reserved after message changes.
    reserved 8, 100;

    // Many integer types with specific encodings.
    int32 aMostlyPositiveInteger = 1;
    sint64 aSignedInteger = 2;
    uint64 anUnsignedInteger = 3;
    fixed32 anOftenBigUnsignedInteger = 4;
    sfixed32 anOftenBigSignedInteger = 5;

    // String always with UTF 8 encoding.
    string aString = 10;

    // Another message type.
    AnotherMessage aMessage = 111;

    // Variable length content supported.
    repeated string aStringList = 200;
    map <int32, string> aMap = 222;