Full name email@address Deadline: 31.3.2024 Requirements: - You do not have to procotol absolutely everything, that means you may omit trivial commands not directly related to the subject of this assignment (opening an editor, changing the directory, and so on). - Include output of commands only when explicitly requested. - You can write answers in Czech. Useful links and help: https://docs.docker.com/ Check the presentation for additional resources. ----- Tasks ----- Create the Docker image for your own software of reasonable complexity and size. Alternatively, you may use a third-party software which you need to run in a safe environment. The essential part is to create a valid specification (Dockerfile). ------- Survey: ------- We use the survey to evaluate the labs (tasks) and homework assignments. It is completely voluntary, but useful for future tuning of the content and level of complexity of the labs. Most questions can be answered using the scale from 1 to 10. Write your answer under the corresponding question. (1) How new was the topic and content of the lab for you? (1 - brand new, 10 - I already knew everything) (2) Do you think that the content of this lab was useful? (1 - useless or too trivial, 10 - very useful) (3) How do you evaluate the level of complexity of the homework assignment? (1 - too trivial, 5-6 - just about right, 10 - too demanding or complex) (4) How do you evaluate your prior experience with the tool in the context of the homework assignment? (1 - I already know and can use everything, 10 - I tried everything practically for the first time) (5) How much time (in minutes) did you spend working on the homework assignment? (6) Additional space for your own comments on the lab and homework assignment: