>>> CecilAspectWeaver.exe TestTargetAppForWeaving.exe ".*" "^Test.*" cache log Opening source assembly "TestTargetAppForWeaving.exe" ... Matched class "Program": Matched method "TestDivide": Weaving "cache" advice ... Weaving "log" advice ... Matched method "TestGetString": Weaving "cache" advice ... Weaving "log" advice ... Matched method "TestGetPoint": Weaving "cache" advice ... Weaving "log" advice ... Matched class "Point": Writing woven assemly to "TestTargetAppForWeaving.woven.exe" ... >>> TestTargetAppForWeaving.woven.exe --- MethodBegin: NEW call of method ID 0 invoked. Method Divide(5, 2) begins calcucation ... --- MethodEnd: call of method ID 0 ending with 2. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning 2. 2 --- MethodBegin: NEW call of method ID 0 invoked. Method Divide(100, 5) begins calcucation ... --- MethodEnd: call of method ID 0 ending with 20. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning 20. 20 --- MethodBegin: CACHED call of method ID 0 invoked, returning 2. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning 2. 2 --- MethodBegin: CACHED call of method ID 0 invoked, returning 2. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning 2. 2 --- MethodBegin: NEW call of method ID 0 invoked. Method Divide(5, 0) begins calcucation ... --- MethodEnd: call of method ID 0 ending with 2147483647. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning 2147483647. 2147483647 --- MethodBegin: CACHED call of method ID 0 invoked, returning 2147483647. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning 2147483647. 2147483647 --- MethodBegin: NEW call of method ID 0 invoked. Method Divide(-5, 0) begins calcucation ... --- MethodEnd: call of method ID 0 ending with -2147483648. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning -2147483648. -2147483648 --- MethodBegin: CACHED call of method ID 0 invoked, returning -2147483648. *** Log: Method System.Int32 Program::TestDivide(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning -2147483648. -2147483648 --- MethodBegin: NEW call of method ID 1 invoked. --- MethodEnd: call of method ID 1 ending with 3,14. *** Log: Method System.String Program::TestGetString(System.Double) returning 3,14. 3,14 --- MethodBegin: NEW call of method ID 1 invoked. --- MethodEnd: call of method ID 1 ending with 123. *** Log: Method System.String Program::TestGetString(System.Double) returning 123. 123 --- MethodBegin: CACHED call of method ID 1 invoked, returning 3,14. *** Log: Method System.String Program::TestGetString(System.Double) returning 3,14. 3,14 --- MethodBegin: NEW call of method ID 2 invoked. --- MethodEnd: call of method ID 2 ending with Point{X=10, Y=20}. *** Log: Method Program/Point Program::TestGetPoint(System.Int32,System.Int32) returning Point{X=10, Y=20}. Point{X=10, Y=20}