OSGi Bundle Context Interface (Bundle Related)

interface BundleContext {
  // Access to framework properties
  String getProperty (String key);

  // Access to objects representing bundles
  Bundle getBundle ();
  Bundle getBundle (long id);
  Bundle [] getBundles ();

  // Support for bundle management
  Bundle installBundle (String location, InputStream input) throws BundleException;
  Bundle installBundle (String location) throws BundleException;

  // Support for bundle lifecycle notifications
  void addBundleListener (BundleListener listener);
  void removeBundleListener (BundleListener listener);

  // Support for framework event notifications
  void addFrameworkListener (FrameworkListener listener);
  void removeFrameworkListener (FrameworkListener listener);

  // Support for persistent storage
  File getDataFile (String filename);
