Relative Addressing Example

Declaring and accessing a global variable in C.

static int i;           // declare a global variable
i = 0;                  // access the global variable

The C code compiled into position independent Intel 80x86 assembler.

.comm i,4,4             ;declare i as 4 bytes aligned at 4 bytes boundary
call __get_thunk        ;get program starting address in ECX
addl $_GOT_,%ecx        ;calculate address of global table of addresses in ECX
movl $0,i@GOT(%ecx)     ;write value 0 into target address i relative from ECX

The assembler code compiled into position independent Intel 80x86 machine code.

E8                      ;call
1C000000                ;target address 0000001Ch bytes away from here
81C1                    ;addl target ECX
D9110000                ;value 000011D9h
C781                    ;movl target address relative from ECX
20000000                ;target address 00000020h bytes away from ECX
00000000                ;value 00000000h