DOS EXE Format
Offset  Length  Contents
00h     2       Magic (0AA55h)
02h     2       Length of last block
04h     2       Length of file in 512B blocks (L)
06h     2       Number of relocation table entries (R)
08h     2       Length of header in 16B blocks (H)
0Ah     2       Minimum memory beyond program image in 16B blocks
0Ch     2       Maximum memory beyond program image in 16B blocks
0Eh     4       Initial stack pointer setting (SS:SP)
12h     2       File checksum
14h     4       Initial program counter setting (CS:IP)
18h     2       Offset of relocation table (1Ch)
1Ah     2       Overlay number
1Ch     R*4h    Relocation table entries
H*10h   L*200h  Program image