MFT Entry
typedef struct MftEntry
   char         Signature [4];          // Magic "FILE"
   ushort       FixupOffset;
   ushort       FixupSize;
   ushort       Sequence;               // Sequence number in MFT
   ushort       HardLinks;              // Hard link count
   ushort       AttribOffset;           // Offset of attributes
   ushort       Flags;
   ulong        RecLength;              // True record size
   ulong        AllLength;              // Allocated record size
   cluster      BaseMftRec;             // Base entry of this entry or 0
   ushort       MinIdentificator;
   ushort       FixupPattern;
   ushort       FixupList [];

typedef struct AttributeEntry
   ulong        Type;                   // Type of attribute
   ushort       Length;                 // Length of attribute entry
   byte         Residency;              // Resident or nonresident
   byte         NameLen;                // Length of name
   ushort       Offset;                 // Offset of name or data
   byte         Compressed;             // Compressed or uncompressed
   ushort       Identificator;
      ResidentAttribEntry Resident;
      NonresidentAttribEntry NonResident;

typedef struct ResidentAttribEntry
   ushort       Size;                   // Size of attribute
   ushort       Offset;                 // Offset of value
   ushort       IndexFlag;

typedef struct NonResidentAttribEntry
   cluster      SegFirst;               // First cluster in this segment
   cluster      SegLast;                // Last cluster in this segment
   USHORT       Offset;                 // Offset of run list
   USHORT       ComprEngine;            // Compression engine
   XLONG        Allocated;              // Allocated disk space
   XLONG        Size;                   // Size of uncompressed attribute
   XLONG        Compressed;             // Size of compressed attribute

typedef struct DirectoryEntry
   xlong        RecordNumber;           // This MFT record number
   ushort       Length;                 // Length of directory entry
   byte         Flags;
   xlong        Parent;                 // Parent MFT record number
   time         Create;                 // Creation time
   time         ModifyFile;             // Last file modification time
   time         ModifyEntry;            // Last entry modification time
   time         Access;                 // Last access time
   xlong        Alloc;                  // Allocated size
   xlong        Size;                   // Real size
   byte         NameLen;                // Name length in words
   byte         NameType;               // Type of filename
   ushort       Filename [];            // Variable length filename