ISO9660 Primary Volume Descriptor
Offset  Length  Contents
0       8       Magic (1, "CD001", 1, 0)
8       32      System identifier
28h     32      Volume identifier
48h     8       Zero
50h     8       Number of sectors (both endian dword)
58h     32      Zero
78h     4       Volume set size (1, both endian word)
7Ch     4       Volume sequence number (1, both endian word)
80h     4       Sector size (2048, both endian word)
        8       Path table length in bytes
        4       Number of first sector in first little endian path table
        4       Number of first sector in second little endian path table or 0
        4       Number of first sector in first big endian path table
        4       Number of first sector in second big endian path table or 0
        34      Root directory record
        128     Volume set identifier
        128     Publisher identifier
        128     Data preparer identifier
        128     Application identifier
        37      Copyright file identifier
        37      Abstract file identifier
        37      Bibliographical file identifier
        17      Date and time of volume creation
        17      Date and time of most recent modification
        17      Date and time when volume expires
        17      Date and time when volume is effective
        1       1
        1       0
        512     Reserved for application use
        653     Zero