[DEECo] DEECo testing & continuous integration

Jaroslav Keznikl keznikl at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Aug 14 10:10:24 CEST 2013

Hi guys
I was thinking, based on some of the experience I've got so far with jDEECo
(and elsewhere), that it would be nice to have more (unit) tests.
Mainly because some of the less used modules (such as sde and jpf) often
end up being broken due to some changes in the core modules.
Having tests would make this easier to discover.

These tests do not have to be all unit tests but can be rather full system
tests (such as running the JPF on an example - leader-follower - and
comparing the console output - no Java exception expected, particular
verification result expected...)

These tests would be naturally pretty slow.
However, in order not to slow down the daily development with such tests,
we can use some continuous integration tool to run these tests after each
commit to the GitHUB repository.
For example http://docs.drone.io/java.html

This is more important as we will be writing a new jDEECo core, which would
be pretty small but critical and thus deserves some testing (also, tests
are sort of a documentation of API etc.)

Think about it.
We can start implementing this when the new jDEECo core starts being

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