[DEECo] change in jDEECo RuntimeModel

Ilias Gerostathopoulos iliasg at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Jul 4 11:09:47 CEST 2014

Hi all, 

I would like to introduce a change in the "metadata" model of jDEECo, to add a boolean field on the ComponentInstance to differentiate between "System" and "Business" components.
The reason I have for this is that (during the implementation of IRM-SA) I needed to exclude the "AdaptationManager" component from the components that are considered when creating the runtime IRM model instances (because the AdaptationManager is not part of the business architecture).
Of course, I can use a workaround to do this. 

But I thought this change in the metamodel would in general support using components as sort of plugins to the main jDEECo runtime. These components can work with models at runtime and provide additional functionalities, such as reasoning, visualization, timing support, etc. This way we can experiment easier without being able to break many things in the core, and also the core maintainer wouldn't have to care about models at runtime at all or about maintaining all these additional functionalities.

So, do you agree with having "System" components at the meta-model level?


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