[DEECo] jDEECo GitHub update

Michal Kit kit at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Sep 3 15:40:20 CEST 2014

Hello all,


This e-mail is to inform you about the changes that we have made in the
jDEECo project on GitHub.

The "newgen" branch is no longer there. Now the working (containing the
newest updates) branch is "master". The old "master" branch has been tagged
to version 2.0.


Individual branches (i.e. "newgen-*") exist and it is up to you to remove
them or (if you need) continue with them. 

If you decide to continue with those you would probably need to merge them
with the "master" branch just to get the newest changes.


Thanks and best regards,


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