[DEECo] [FAIL] JDEECo - # 1051

Drone.io Build builds at drone.io
Tue Jul 19 18:06:43 CEST 2016

Build Failed

Build      : https://drone.io/github.com/d3scomp/JDEECo/1051
Project    : https://drone.io/github.com/d3scomp/JDEECo

Repository : git://github.com/d3scomp/JDEECo.git
Version    : 3d2983173978fe8c33f105242171eecda468cf39
Author     : Buckey
Branch     : IntelligentEnsembles

Modified TrackingKnowledgeWrapper to remember a single object for each tracked role - thus allowing for multiple calls to getTrackedRoleKnowledge without overwriting previous changes.

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