[DiSL-user] CCT Generation

Lubomír Bulej lubomir.bulej at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Jan 13 19:39:59 CET 2016


I'm glad to hear that you have found DiSL useful. Could you please be a bit
more specific about where did you get stuck?

Is it the instrumentation, construction of the tree at runtime, or the dumping
of the tree into XML? I can probably look for a port of the JP2 profiler to
DiSL, which constructs a CCT -- maybe we could include something like that as
a more complex example, but I would also like to know what is the problem you
are actually facing.

Best regards,

On 29/12/15 12:06, amit kumar wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have recently started using/learning DiSL and found it quite useful for my
> research. However I am facing certain problems in *creating a calling context
> tree ( in XML form) of an application.* Although it has been briefly explained
> in section 3.5 of "DiSL: A Domain Specific Language for Byte code
> Instrumentation", but i could not accomplish the same.
> I would really be grateful, if could help me out.
> Thanks and Regards

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