[DiSL-user] Taint Analysis with DiSL

Alessio Gambi gambi at st.cs.uni-saarland.de
Tue Apr 18 15:14:59 CEST 2017

Hi DiSL-ers

I was wondering if I can dynamically add private fields and getters/setters to classes using DiSL.

The reason for that is I want to implement a (special) taint analysis that stores taint information directly inside
the objects and partially analyze them locally. In other terms, I do not like to implement the following pattern:

observe event -> publish the event to an event handler -> do the complete analysis inside the event handler

I already have the code which adds the fields to the classes… would DiSL work it I pass to it code which is
already instrumented?

Any thoughts?


— Alessio

Alessio Gambi, Ph.D.
gambi at st.cs.uni-saarland.de

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