[NSWI004] New assignment and other items

Petr Tůma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Oct 23 22:15:51 CEST 2019


first of all, thumbs up to everyone who successfully completed their first kernel assignment. A few bits of data - out of 44 students who attempted to solve the assignments (at least one commit), 36 now pass all tests (82%) and 3 more got very close to passing all tests (single test failing). I think this is very good ! Also, apologies for the GitLab outage - things now seem to be stable and nobody is committing anymore, so we now consider the deadline as over.

We will be distributing the point information in a few days (hopefully during the next week). If you already know that your solution fails the tests but want to contest it (for example, if the tests pass on your machine but not on GitLab, or you had a good reason for starting late, and so on), please contact us.

We have also initialized the repositories for the next assignment. This is the first assignment done in teams, you will want to port over the best parts of your existing solutions and continue from there - check the README and ASSIGNMENT files for details (remember, we expect your code to pass all the tests, not only the latest ones). The assignment is about implementing a kernel heap manager and should be finished by November 12. Some of you may have problems with your team setup (partner leaving), please let us know if that is so.

Finally, I'm sure you're eager to see the new Self Assessment Quiz :-) however, I thought you deserve some rest, and so I decided to do something else this time around. Please, take a look at https://forms.gle/2Dyp8L4Y27qMqhJC6 and fill in the answers, they concern your perception of the assignments and general approach to learning. There are no puzzles or anything, so it should not take more than a few minutes of your time - but if I can appeal to you, please do participate, this will help us get a better understanding of how you perceive the course (and maybe provide you with some food for thought too). I will of course explain the reason for the quiz and provide a brief summary of answers at the beginning of the next lecture.

In the meantime, happy long weekend and see you on Tuesday.


Petr Tuma
Distributed and Dependable Systems
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University, Czech Republic

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