[NSWI004] Warning about Arch MSIM

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Oct 30 09:11:53 CET 2019


Dne 17. 10. 19 v 22:26 Vasek Sraier napsal(a):
> I just want to warn you that MSIM for Arch Linux from AUR is outdated.

Fixed by adding msim-git package [1].

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/msim-git/

> You should build it yourself. It behaves a bit differently in some edge
> cases than the new version. For me it meant that my code worked fine on
> my machine but not in the CI.

Would you, please, provide more details about the edge cases? There 
should be only differences in the UI but the CPU simulation etc. should 
behave the same way in as in Git HEAD.


- VH

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