[NSWI004] Assignment 00 (printf and lists)

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Sep 28 09:20:44 CEST 2020

Dear all,

we just published the first assignment (you shall see a new repository 
in your GitLab). The goal of the first assignment is to refresh your 
knowledge of the C language and its toolchain.

You will be implementing your own (simplified) printf function and also 
learn about linked list that is often used in OS kernels and similar 

The deadline for this assignment is 2020-10-12 AoE. Note that this 
assignment is individual.

If you cannot access your a00 repository, please, let me know ASAP.

Feel free to use this mailing-list if you want to ask any questions 
regarding this assignment or other topics related to the course.

Best regards,
- Vojtech Horky

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