[MWy] Unmarshaling problem

Vlastimil Babka babka at dsrg.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Mar 26 20:36:08 CET 2008

almer.sis at seznam.cz wrote:
> During server start raised exception: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is: 
> 	java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: 
> 	java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: SearcherImpl_Stub
Dobry den,

dulezite pro reseni problemu je take uvest na ktere radce ta exception 
nastava... behem exportu, bindu nebo jinde?
Predpokladam ze behem rebind, coz znamena ze rmiregistry nemuzou najit 
stub, zrejme proto ze jste nezadal nebo zadal spatnou cestu k codebase 
pri spousteni serveru (viz skript run-server z HelloWorld example).

> Co tedy s tim? Chapu ze SearcherImpl_Stub( tedy to vygenerovane pomoci rmic ) nelze serializovat. Nechapu proc? 
Duvod je zjevne ona nested exception coz je 

Hezky vecer,
Vlastimil Babka

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