[MWy] Middleware labs assignment 4: Apr 21 10:40

Vlastimil Babka babka at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Apr 16 18:03:31 CEST 2010

Good afternoon,

the fourth lab class will be held the next Wednesday for the group 
'Středa liché týdny' as stated in the subject; the other groups will 
follow according to the schedule on the web of the course.

The topic will be using Key-Based Routing, the core of Distributed Hash 
Tables (DHT). We will use the Chimera 1.2.0 implementation (in the C 
language), which can be downloaded from
The following link contains a precompiled binary (for x86 Linux), which 
can be unpacked into your home directory.


The example application serves also as a skeleton implementation, and 
can be downloaded from the following link, together with the preliminary 
assignment text and slides.


Best Regards,
Vlastimil Babka

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