[MWy] Question concerning HW3

Vlastimil Dort dort at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Apr 13 12:30:59 CEST 2018

Dear Julian,

> I have a question the last part of the last task of HW3. 
> Following set-up: 1 bank, client A and client B. Client A starts first, client B second.
> In the default configuration, client B does not know the offers of A on start-up.
> I managed that client B knows A's offers on the first start-up. Does this fulfill the assignment? 
> The issue is that after stopping and restarting client B, it does not know any offers anymore. Is the expected solution?

Sorry that the task description is vague about this, but the expected solution is when the client doesn’t have to wait too long after connecting to get to know offers of other clients. It shouln't really matter for this whether the client is connected for the first time or has been restarted.
However, the solution you describe does not accomplish this because the restarted client would have to wait for the other clients to sell something or restart to get to know their offsers.
The client can ask other connected clients to send their current offers when it is started.


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