[MWy] Query regarding task 1

Vlastimil Dort dort at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Sat Mar 17 21:15:04 CET 2018

Dear Marzia,

> I'm sending this email as I am having issues running the rmi server
> on a remote machine.
> I uploaded the java files to the lab server using winscp, compiled
> the files, and started rmiregistry on the same directory as the files.
> My problem is that when I try starting the server with the run-server
> script, I am getting the error 'Server Exception: Connection refused
> to host: u-pl0.ms.mff.cuni.cz'.
> Am I doing something obviously wrong please?

With the information you provided, I don't see anything obviously wrong.
Make sure that rmiregistry is actually running on the given address.
When you are running the registry and the server on the same computer, you
can use localhost in the name passed to Naming.rebind, but an address
such as u-pl0.ms.mff.cuni.cz should work as well if that is the computer
you are using.

Vlastimil Dort

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