[NSWI131] HW 7: clock_gettime

Karel Maděra KarelMad at email.cz
Fri Apr 24 16:01:19 CEST 2020


I know it is after deadline for HW7, but I just can't get it to work and I 
would like to finish it anyway.

How do you measure time in your pintool?

I tried to use clock_gettime, which is declared in the PIN headers, so it 
compiles just fine, but when I run

pin with the tool it crashes when dynamic loader cannot find implementation 
in the PIN CRT.

It writes the following error:

Unable to load home/07-pin-maderak/obj-intel64/write_throughput.so: dlopen 
failed: cannot locate symbol "clock_gettime" referenced by "home/07-pin-

I used the makefile from the PIN simple examples and I checked that it is 
linking and loading the correct libraries.

The I looked at the exported symbols of the PIN CRT libraries and could not 
find any mention of clock_gettime,

so is it just me and the version of PIN I downloaded or is it really not 

Clock_gettime seemed like the right choice for the measurement we are trying
to do, so I just tried to make 

it work with no success.

Should I use something like rdtscp or gettimeofday ?

Karel Madera
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