[NSWI131] Last Lab Assignment

Petr Tůma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri May 22 15:05:54 CEST 2020


the last set of lab assignments is now in GitLab, with additional information at https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/f/teaching/nswi131/labs/05/index.html. There is no hard deadline, but please do not delay with your solutions too long into the summer, plus, drop me a mail when you push your solution so that I know when I should look.

You can find the points for the previous assignments, as well as the activity points, in SIS. To get the course credit (zapocet), you need to reach 80% of the total points available for all assignments, that is, 80 points (there are 10 assignments). I also recommend you check the GRADING.md file in each of your repositories to see the feedback on your solutions.

Finally, the last set of videos is now online:

https://youtu.be/uNAQXrjh03o Statistical Evaluation
https://youtu.be/w7A6lAgWKpw Data Visualization


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