[Pub] Ondra v ČR

Pavel Jezek pavel.jezek at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Apr 1 16:40:04 CEST 2015

> > Thanks :) But at least the process is finally heading to the end (I hope
> > :) It all started 2 months ago, and now there are only remaining 14
> > steps to do ;)
> Maybe it's just a prank. Remember, today is April 1st :-)

I'm afraid it's not :P

> Anyway, don't worry. My mortgage took about 8 months to process back in
> 2006.

Wow, and I thought the 2,5 months are quite long :)

> > And it takes them the whole day to correct the error, as it can be done
> > only in Poland :P
> You are buying an apartment in Poland? That's not very practical given
> the location of your workplace .. :-D

Yep, Michal persuaded me to buy an apartment in Wroclaw, that now using the
Pendolino I'm there just in a couple of hours and it is a best place to live

Ok, you got me - I'm just using a polish bank :)

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