invited talk - special seminar

Vladimir Mencl mencl at
Mon Aug 30 11:53:09 CEST 2004


ve ctvrtek 2.9., v 15:00 se bude konat mimoradny seminar - bude mit
prednasku Dr. Martin Grosse-Rhode z Fraunhofer-ISST, Berlin, ktery
prijede jako oponent na obhajobu me disertace.  

Misto konani je tradicne pracovna Prof. Plasila, nazev a abstrakt
prednasky pripojuji. 

Dovoluji si soucasne i pozvat cleny nasi skupiny i ostatni zajemce na
obhajobu me disertace - patek 3.9., 11:00 na Karlove.

S pozdravem,
Vladimir Mencl


Martin Grosse-Rhode, Fraunhofer-ISST, Berlin, Germany

Model-based Development of Embedded Systems in the Automobile Industry

Electronic systems with embedded software play an ever increasing role in
the automobile industry. The integration of components being produced at
different sites, high safety, reliability and robustness requirements and
efficiency and productivity in a mass market are the main challenges that
call for adequate software development methods. Model-based development,
component-based systems, achitecture-centric design and product line
practice are the key ingredients for such methods. All of these have been
investigated quite well, ranging from fundamental studies via language
and method support through to tools that make these concepts available
for industrial software production. Nevertheless, these methods are
not really well established in the industry. In the talk I will discuss
the application domain, the requirements on modelling and development
techniques it poses, and the obstacles that still prevent research
results in these areas from being applied in the industrial practice.

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