[NSWI004] A04

Petr Tuma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Nov 22 20:34:58 CET 2020

Hi Georgii,

> cp0_cause_is_interrup_pending is the function that tells you that, but I don't get 'intr' argument and why the first argument is status but not cause.(i know it's only a name, but it can be confusing)

You're right, the `status` argument is named poorly, it should have been `cause`.

The `intr` argument tells which interrupt line is checked. The processor recognizes 8 different interrupt lines (you can imagine them as 8 different sources of interrupts, like pins on the processor package, even though the reality is a bit more complex). Timer interrupt is number 7.


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