FAT Boot Sector
Offset  Length  Contents
00h     3       Boot loader code
03h	8 	System vendor ID
0Bh	2 	Bytes per sector
0Dh	1 	Sectors per cluster
0Eh	2 	Number of reserved sectors before FAT
10h	1 	Number of FAT copies
11h	2 	Number of root entries
13h	2 	Number of sectors for small partitions
15h	1 	Media descriptor
16h	2 	Sectors per FAT
18h	2 	Sectors per head
1Ah	2 	Heads per cylinder
1Ch	4 	Number of hidden sectors before boot
20h	4 	Number of sectors for large partitions
24h     474     Boot loader code
1FEh    2       Magic (0AA55h)

24h     4       Number of sectors per FAT
28h	2 	File system flags
2Ah	2 	File system version
2Ch	4 	First cluster of root directory
30h	2 	Sector with file system information
32h	2 	Sector with boot sector copy
34h	12  	Reserved
40h     1       Physical drive number
41h     1       Reserved
42h     1       Magic (28h or 29h)
43h     4       Volume serial number
47h     11      Volume label
52h     8       File system ID
5Ah     420     Boot loader code