FAT Directory Entry
Offset  Length  Contents
00h	8	File name padded with spaces or 00h or 1Eh
08h	3	File extension padded with spaces
0Bh	1	File attributes (archive, dir, vol, sys, hidden, read only)
0Ch	10	Reserved
16h	2	Last modification time
18h	2	Last modification date
1Ah	2	Starting cluster
1Ch	4	File size

0Ch	1	Reserved
0Dh	3       Creation time
10h	2	Creation date
12h	2	Last access date
14h	2	Starting cluster high word

00h	1	Sequential number of long name fragment and last fragment flag
01h	10	Long name (5 characters UNICODE)
0Bh	1	File attributes (0Fh means vol, sys, hidden, read only)
0Ch	1	Reserved
0Dh	1	Checksum of short name
0Eh	12	Long name (6 characters UNICODE)
1Ah	2	Reserved
1Ch	4	Long name (2 characters UNICODE)