Offset  Length  Contents
00h     4       Magic (0F7E40AAEh)
04h     4       Sequential read history (not implemented)
08h     4       Fast read history (not implemented)
0Ch     1       Name length
0Dh     15      Last 15 characters of name
1Ch     4       Sector of containing directory
20h     4       Size of external access control list
24h     4       Sector of external access control list
28h     2       Size of internal access control list
2Ah     1       Indicates whether access control list is large tree
2Bh     1       History bit count (not implemented)
2Ch     4       Size of external extended attributes
30h     4       Sector of external extended attributes
34h     2       Size of internal extended attributes
36h     1       Indicates whether extended attributes is large tree
37h     1       Directory or file F node flag
38h     1       Indicates whether runs are large tree
39h     3       Padding
3Ch     1       Number of free array entries
3Dh     1       Number of used array entries
3Eh     2       Offset of first free array entry

40h     4       Offset of this run in file
44h     4       Number of sectors in run
48h     4       Starting sector of this run

40h     4       Offset of this subtree in file
44h     4       Starting sector of this subtree

0A0h    4       File length
0A4h    4       Number of vital extended attributes
0A8h    16      User identity (not implemented)
0B8h    2       Offset of first access control list or extended attribute entry
0BAh    10      Reserved
0C4h    316     Access control list and extended attribute entries