HPFS Directory Entry
Offset  Length  Contents
00h     4       Magic (77E40AAEh)
04h     4       Offset of first free directory entry
08h     4       Tree root indication
0Ch     4       Sector of tree parent block
10h     4       Sector of this tree node block

14h     2       Directory entry size
16h     1       Flags
17h     1       Attributes (read only, hidden, sys, dir, archive, long name)
18h     4       Sector of F node
1Ch     4       Last modification time
20h     4       File size
24h     4       Last access time
28h     4       Creation time
2Ch     4       Size of extended attributes in F node
30h     1       Size of access control list
31h     1       Code page index
32h     1       Name size
33h     X       Name
33h+X   X       Access control list
                Padding to multiple of 4 bytes