[DEECo] IRM-SA and jDEECo core integration: pull request

Ilias Gerostathopoulos iliasg at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Jul 25 17:52:30 CEST 2014

Hello all, 

I am currently in the process of completing the second iteration of the implementation of IRM-SA runtime approach (which basically works as a plugin to jDEECo core).
It is already committed and pushed here to the master branch of our IRM-SA project on GitHub:

The new IRM-SA implementation involved some changes to the jDEECo core, which I made and pushed to my jDEECo branch (iliasg branch).
In order to make it possible for someone else than me to try out the new IRM-SA implementation, I need to propagate these changes to newgen – which is now the main branch of jDEECo implementation, if I am not wrong. For this, I have created this pull request:

Please tell me if somebody wants and has the time to review/have a look at my changes and merge the pull request.
Otherwise, I will merge it myself tomorrow or the day after. 

Thanks a lot, 
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