[DEECo] design decisions for scheduler and DEECo "realm"

Ilias Gerostathopoulos iliasger at gmail.com
Sat Feb 14 19:20:01 CET 2015

Hi all,

with Filip, we made a first iteration on the scheduler and the support 
for "DEECo realm".
After several discussions also with Michal and Vlada on Friday, we 
decided to change the way a deeco run (or "simulation") is assembled and 
The results are pushed to the "plugin-architecture" branch (still 
several javadoc and tests missing...), also see the attached class diagrams.

The main idea is that a scheduler cannot be started anymore. Instead, 
the "scheduler notifier" is started, ie it becomes the "active" entity. 
This can be implemented either as a discrete event notifier, a wall-time 
notifier, or an OMNET-based one.

About "DEECo realm", this becomes a class that is
(i) a factory for "DEECoNode"s (previously called just "DEECo", it is 
basically the main deployable entity with its own runtime, runtime 
model, components and ensembles)
(ii) the main entry to start the application. Upon startup, it passes 
the control to the scheduler notifier. The scheduler notifier has to be 
created outside of the realm and injected through the realm's constructor.
We prepared 2 implementations of the realm, one for running deeco in 
"real" deployment ("DEECoRun"), one for simulation runs 

We would like to ask your opinion on these changes before we go on to 
finalize the classes and update the tests.
Maybe we could have a short meeting on Monday about this. I won't be 
available from 10:00 to 14:00 (2nd phase of the IRM experiment), but any 
other time is OK for me.


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