[DEECo] design decisions for scheduler and DEECo "realm"

Ilias Gerostathopoulos iliasg at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Sat Feb 14 20:43:18 CET 2015

I just realized that having DEECoRunner and DEECoSimulationRunner 
interfaces extend DEECoNodeFactory interface didn't make much sense, so 
I refactored it.
Attached is the updated diagram.

On 2/14/2015 7:20 PM, Ilias Gerostathopoulos wrote:
> Hi all,
> with Filip, we made a first iteration on the scheduler and the support 
> for "DEECo realm".
> After several discussions also with Michal and Vlada on Friday, we 
> decided to change the way a deeco run (or "simulation") is assembled 
> and started.
> The results are pushed to the "plugin-architecture" branch (still 
> several javadoc and tests missing...), also see the attached class 
> diagrams.
> The main idea is that a scheduler cannot be started anymore. Instead, 
> the "scheduler notifier" is started, ie it becomes the "active" 
> entity. This can be implemented either as a discrete event notifier, a 
> wall-time notifier, or an OMNET-based one.
> About "DEECo realm", this becomes a class that is
> (i) a factory for "DEECoNode"s (previously called just "DEECo", it is 
> basically the main deployable entity with its own runtime, runtime 
> model, components and ensembles)
> (ii) the main entry to start the application. Upon startup, it passes 
> the control to the scheduler notifier. The scheduler notifier has to 
> be created outside of the realm and injected through the realm's 
> constructor.
> We prepared 2 implementations of the realm, one for running deeco in 
> "real" deployment ("DEECoRun"), one for simulation runs 
> ("DEECoSimulation").
> We would like to ask your opinion on these changes before we go on to 
> finalize the classes and update the tests.
> Maybe we could have a short meeting on Monday about this. I won't be 
> available from 10:00 to 14:00 (2nd phase of the IRM experiment), but 
> any other time is OK for me.
> Thanks,
> Ilias
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Ilias Gerostathopoulos, PhD candidate
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems
Charles University in Prague
Phone: (+420) 2 2191 4235

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