[DEECo] [FAIL] JDEECo - # 968

Drone.io Build builds at drone.io
Wed Feb 24 19:28:34 CET 2016

Build Failed

Build      : https://drone.io/github.com/d3scomp/JDEECo/968
Project    : https://drone.io/github.com/d3scomp/JDEECo

Repository : git://github.com/d3scomp/JDEECo.git
Version    : 2e74aaaf43398c1900afd92b7a8c68f4fb4f5f24
Author     : Buckey
Branch     : IntelligentEnsembles

Modified EDL model to include basic operations on QualifiedName, as part of an experimentation effort on EMF operations. Modified ignore file in model project to allow model implementation files to be versioned.

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