[OSy] Third extended assignment

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Nov 8 08:32:23 CET 2018

Dear all,

please see attached the assignment of the 3rd extended semestral task of 
the Operating Systems course. This extended assignment is intended for 
those who want to solve the task independently at home in order to gain 
the "conditionally fulfilled" status for this topic.

However, please read and try to understand the text of the extended 
assignment even if you plan to attend the labs. The assignment for the 
labs will be related to the extended assignment (the topic will be 
synchronization too) and also the required knowledge and recommended 
literature will be the same.

Practically, a good plan is to start work on the extended assignment 
before the labs (at least prepare the basic skeleton of the assignment), 
come to the labs and in the event of failing the labs, finish the 
homework. Definitely the time spent implementing the extended assignment 
will not be lost even if you plan to attend the labs.

If you choose to implement the extended assignment, please respect the 
deadline of November 26th 2018 AoE.

Please send your implementation via e-mail to the following address:

       nswi004 at d3s.mff.cuni.cz

You should send your implementation as an archive (zip, tar.bz2, etc.) 
in the attachment of the e-mail. Please make sure to include everything 
necessary to run your implementation, to run the required unit tests and 
to evaluate your source code. You can also use the `make dist' target 
from the main Makefile to package your solution.

We will try to evaluate your submissions as they arrive, but we cannot 
guarantee a specific reply latency. Therefore please avoid (in your own 
interest) sending your implementation at the last moment, because we 
might not be able to point you in time to some small issues in order for 
you to fix them.

If you should have any questions (either specific to the assignment or 
of a generic nature), please do not hesitate to send your query to this 
mailing list.

Best regards,

- Vojtech Horky
-------------- next part --------------
                        Operating Systems Course
                             Semestral Task

                       Topic no. 3: Synchronization
                           Extended Assignment
Date of assignment:  November  8th 2018
Submission deadline: November 26th 2018

  The goal of the 3rd semestral task is to implement a passive
  synchronization primitive. The task is defined by a functional
  programming interface that needs to be implemented and it is
  accompanied by a set of unit tests that the implementation must
  successfully pass.

  Use the source code of Kalisto version 0.9.12 as the basis for your
  implementation. i.e. start with the source code of Kalisto and extend
  it by the required functionality. Kalisto 0.9.12 is available for
  download from the following URL:


  If the assignment does not define an aspect of the required
  implementation specifically or precisely, then the expected behavior
  of the implementation is defined by the unit tests. If even the tests
  do not define an aspect of the required implementation specifically or
  precisely, then use your best knowledge and professional judgement to
  implement the functionality in the most reasonable way and document
  your decisions using comments in your source code.

Note on the Kernel Interface -------------------------------------------

  Many parts of the Kalisto kernel are designed to follow one of the
  following interface styles. These two interface styles define the way
  objects (data structures) are created and accessed and they also
  define two levels of encapsulation.

  * The first interface style provides weaker encapsulation. Thus the
    API exposes the internals of the objects and the object variables
    are pointers. The objects of this interface style are usually static
    (they are either allocated on the stack or as global variables). The
    API provides the xxx_init() functions for initializing the objects
    and the xxx_destroy() functions for cleanup.

    It is possible to allocate such objects dynamically (i.e. on the
    heap), but it is not common and the caller is responsible for the
    allocation and disposal of the objects.

    The API does not usually return an error value if an invalid pointer
    is passed to it, because such an error is usually fatal for the
    kernel. However, it is possible to include non-NULL assertions and
    other integrity assertions in the routines that manipulate these
    objects for debugging purposes. The integrity check is commonly
    implemented using a "magic" field that must always have a constant
    predefined value.

    This interface style is used for synchronization primitives.

  * The second interface style provides stronger encapsulation. Thus the
    API does not expose the internals of the objects and the object
    variables use opaque typedefs. These opaque types mask the fact that
    the objects might be technically pointers or handles. The API
    provides the xxx_create() functions that creates (including
    allocation), initializes and activates new objects. The activation
    might include inserting the new object into some internal
    bookkeeping data structures.

    The objects of this interface style are usually dynamic. Only very
    rarely are these objects static, but this is nevertheless hidden
    from the caller.

    The API does return an error value if an invalid variable is passed
    to it, because such an error is usually not fatal for the kernel.

    This interface style is used for threads. For example, the
    thread_create() function allocates and initializes the thread
    control structure and the thread stack, but it also inserts the
    thread into the scheduling queue.

General Recommendations for the Implementation -------------------------

  The following recommendations capture the usual criteria of quality of
  source code that is generally expected in critical system-level
  software. While respecting these recommendations is slightly less
  binding than the functional requirements of the assignment, severely
  violating them might still lead to rejection of your implementation.

  - Avoid using non-trivial hard-wired numerical constants in the source
    code. Use properly named reusable macros.

  - Use empty lines and block comments as visual delimiters to
    consistently demark logical parts of the source code.

  - Use consistent horizontal spacing to improve the readability and
    comprehension of the source code. This includes both spaces in
    expressions and proper indentation.

  - Avoid creating overly long functions, functions with an excessive
    level of block nesting and functions that implement an excessive
    number of distinct logical operations. The function name should
    adequately capture the summary of the function logical operation.

  - Avoid creating source files that mix logically unrelated concerns or
    functionality. Avoid placing source files into unrelated

  - Use properly named macros or inline functions as replacements for
    complex logical and arithmetic expressions.

  - Use a consistent coding style (similar constructs should use similar
    means). Match the coding style of the new code with the coding style
    of the existing code.

  - Use English for identifiers and comments. Use a consistent way of
    naming things and a consistent way of commenting.

Task Assignment --------------------------------------------------------

  Implement semaphores, a standard passive synchronization primitive.
  The code that uses the semaphores to guard a critical section might
  look as follows (an extremely simplified example):

    struct semaphore sem;
    sem_init(&sem, 100);

    /* ... */

    /* Critical section */

    /* ... */


  Note that a thread can be preempted at any time unless the interrupts
  are disabled. This assignment mandates correct synchronization on a
  single-CPU configuration only, thus disabling interrupts is sufficient
  to prevent thread interleaving.

  The semaphores are required to implement the following API:

  * void sem_init(struct semaphore *sem, const int value)

    This function initializes a semaphore @sem to the initial value
    @value. The maximum value (see further) is set to infinity.

  * void sem_init_limit(struct semaphore *sem, const int value,
                        const int limit)

    This function initializes a semaphore @sem to the initial value
    @value and also sets the maximum semaphore value to @limit. The
    implementation must guarantee that the value of the semaphore
    never exceeds the maximum value.

    Setting the initial value and the maximum value of a semaphore to 1
    turns the semaphore into a binary semaphore (also commonly referred
    to as a non-recursive mutex or simply a lock).

  * void sem_destroy(struct semaphore *sem)

    This function disposes of the semaphore control structure @sem. If
    there are threads still blocked on the disposed semaphore, the
    function causes a kernel panic.

  * int sem_get_value(struct semaphore *sem)

    This function returns the current value of the semaphore @sem.

  * void sem_up(struct semaphore *sem)

    This function increments the value of the semaphore @sem by 1 and
    potentially unblocks one of the threads that is blocked on the
    semaphore (if the original value of the semaphore was 0). If the new
    value of the semaphore is larger that the maximum limit of the
    semaphore, then the value is set to the maximum limit.

  * void sem_down(struct semaphore *sem)

    This function decrements the value of the semaphore @sem by 1 if it
    is possible (i.e. if the original value of the semaphore is > 0).
    If the decrementation is not possible (i.e. if the original value of
    the semaphore is == 0), then the calling thread is blocked.

  Implement also the functionality of the non-recursive mutexes by
  converting the following mutex calls to appropriate semaphore calls
  (this can be achieved simply using preprocessor macros).

  * mutex_init(struct mutex *mtx)
  * mutex_lock(struct mutex *mtx)
  * mutex_unlock(struct mutex *mtx)
  * mutex_destroy(struct mutex *mtx)

Helper Routines --------------------------------------------------------

  The correct implementation of the semaphores should make use of the
  routines already present in the source code of Kalisto, potentially
  extending them if needed. This is a brief summary of some of the most
  relevant routines.

  * ipl_t query_and_disable_interrupts(void)

    This function returns the current state of interrupts on the current
    CPU (as defined by a CP0 control register) and disables interrupts
    on the current CPU.

  * void conditionally_enable_interrupts(ipl_t state)

    This function enables interrupts on the current CPU if the state
    @state stored by a previous call of query_and_disable_interrupts()
    indicates enabled interrupts.

  * thread_t thread_get_current(void)

    This function returns the identification of the current (calling)

  * void thread_suspend(void)

    This function blocks the current (calling) thread until it is
    unblocked by a different thread by calling thread_wakeup().

  * int thread_wakeup(thread_t thread)

    This function unblocks the thread identified by the @thread
    argument. The current (calling) thread continues in its execution,
    it is not unscheduled only due to calling of this function. If the
    thread identifier @thread is invalid, then the function returns
    EINVAL. Otherwise the function returns EOK.

  * void thread_yield(void)

    The current (calling) thread relinquishes the CPU (it is forcefully
    unscheduled). The thread eventually continues in its execution when
    it is scheduled again.

Unit Tests -------------------------------------------------------------

  The unit tests that validate the functionality of the implementation
  can be found in the kernel/tests/sem subtree of the source tree of
  Kalisto 0.9.12. The infrastructure for running and evaluating the
  tests can be executed using the tests-sem.sh shell script. Your
  implementation must successfully pass all the supplied tests in a
  non-trivial way (i.e. the implementation must not use active waiting,
  the tests must finish in a reasonable time, etc.). Modification of the
  internal logic of the tests is forbidden.

  Some of the tests from kernel/tests/mutex could be optionally adapted
  to test the behavior of the mutex API implemented via the semaphores.

  Delete the original binary implementation of semaphores and mutexes
  (kernel/synch/sem.obj and kernel/synch/mutex.obj) from the source tree
  of Kalisto to make sure that the tests validate your original

  To integrate your implementation with the tests, add necessary
  #include directives to the kernel/api.h header file to make sure
  all required declarations are available for the tests.

Recommended Literature -------------------------------------------------

[1] Operating Systems Course study material, Section 2.4. Process
[2] Wikipedia: Semaphore (programming),
[3] Downey A. B.: The Little Book of Semaphores,

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