[NSWI004] [Teachers at NSWI004] TLB shootdown

Petr Tuma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Dec 15 11:24:29 CET 2020


> - How to detect TLB shootdown ? I spent too much time on coding
> something that would generate at least some change when doing: `cat
> /proc/maps | grep TLB && ./a.out && cat/proc/maps | grep TLB`. Is
> this the right way of finding out how many TLB shootdowns have been
> generated, or is there something better ?

What I did was run `watch -n 1 "cat /proc/interrupts | grep ^.TLB:"` in one terminal and then coding in another, and I just watched when the numbers started growing (on the `lab` machine my quick solution contains an infinite loop that does about 200k TLB shootdowns per second so this was quite easily visible).

> - is there any distinction between interrupt vectors for 32b and 64b ?

Not sure what you mean here. The list of interrupts in `/proc/interrupts` depends mostly on the devices that the system has, and obviously things like the kernel version, I would not expect it to be wildly different between a 32-bit and a 64-bit kernel on the same hardware, but I would not be surprised if there are minor differences. What specifically are you after ?


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