[NSWI004] Optional assignment, deadlines etc.

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Jan 29 16:54:26 CET 2020


Dne 14. 01. 20 v 9:59 Vojtech Horky napsal(a):
> To pass the course, you need to pass all the six assignments (at least 
> in the basic variant). The grade is then derived from the average number 
> of points from each assignment (not counting the optional one).
> The scoring table is: 54 points and more for 1, 42 to 53 for 2 and at 
> least 30 points for 3.

We will be writing the final grades into SIS at the end of the 
examination period. If you need for some reason the grade there earlier 
than February 17th, please, let us know.

At the moment, I do not see any opened issue with request to evaluate 
assignment 6. Please, contact me if you have finished assignment 6 and 
have not received evaluation.

- VH

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