[NSWI004] Optional assignment, deadlines etc.

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Jan 14 09:59:28 CET 2020


we just pushed last assignment to GitLab. This assignment is optional 
and you can use it to get more points. The deadline is at the end of the 
examination period (note that this is a hard deadline).

To pass the course, you need to pass all the six assignments (at least 
in the basic variant). The grade is then derived from the average number 
of points from each assignment (not counting the optional one).

The scoring table is: 54 points and more for 1, 42 to 53 for 2 and at 
least 30 points for 3.

We understand that scheduling things in teams together with exams is not 
always trivial, thus we will be accepting solutions to assignment 6 till 
the end of the examination period. We will subtract two points for each 
started week of delay.

Because this would probably complicate any mass evaluation of your 
solutions, please, open a ticket in your team repository assigned to me 
when the state of the solution is ready for grading. This applies for 
both assignment 6 and 7.

- VH

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