[NSWI004] printk %pF

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Oct 9 15:13:43 CEST 2020


Dne 09. 10. 20 v 13:28 Georgii Ekserdzhian napsal(a):
> In debug_dump_function user specifies how many instruction he wants to see.
> When I implement %pF specifier, do I need to print while the value at a 
> certain address is 0?

Please, see my other e-mail.

> What instruction does 0 represent? nop?

You can look into loader.disasm (so yes, it is NOP):


80000000 <__start>:
80000000:	3c1f8000 	lui	ra,0x8000
80000004:	37ff0400 	ori	ra,ra,0x400
80000008:	03e00008 	jr	ra
8000000c:	00000000 	nop

- VH

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