October 2020 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Oct 1 12:30:40 CEST 2020
Ending: Fri Oct 30 21:05:32 CET 2020
Messages: 196
- [NSWI004] "id" and "md" doesn't work in msim -i
Quoc Anh Nguyen
- [NSWI004] "id" and "md" doesn't work in msim -i
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] "id" and "md" doesn't work in msim -i
Krisztian Bokor
- [NSWI004] "id" and "md" doesn't work in msim -i
Quoc Anh Nguyen
- [NSWI004] [nswi004] roots
František Trebuňa
- [NSWI004] [nswi004] roots
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] _kernel_end
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] _kernel_end
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] _kernel_end
Káně, Vojtěch
- [NSWI004] _kernel_end
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] _kernel_end
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] a01 Make error
Michal Tichý
- [NSWI004] a01 Make error
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Access to upstream a00
Martin Zimen
- [NSWI004] Access to upstream a00
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Assignment 01 (introduction to kernel)
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Assignment 02 (kernel heap)
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] before class quiz
Natalia Potocekova
- [NSWI004] before class quiz
Natalia Potocekova
- [NSWI004] before class quiz
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] change of grading
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] change of grading
Matěj Kripner
- [NSWI004] change of grading
Martin Cífka
- [NSWI004] change of grading
Vojtěch Lengál
- [NSWI004] change of grading
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Code evaluation - importance of efficiency
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Code evaluation - importance of efficiency
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Comments for A00 (printf and lists)
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Data alignment
František Trebuňa
- [NSWI004] Data alignment
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Debugging
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] Debugging
Lubomír Bulej
- [NSWI004] dprintk makes my code stable
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] dprintk makes my code stable
Káně, Vojtěch
- [NSWI004] dprintk makes my code stable
Káně, Vojtěch
- [NSWI004] dprintk makes my code stable
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] dprintk makes my code stable
Káně, Vojtěch
- [NSWI004] dprintk makes my code stable
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] dprintk makes my code stable
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] dump function
Eliška Suchardová
- [NSWI004] dump function
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] dump function
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] dump function question
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] dump function question
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Error in kernel tests
Martin Emery
- [NSWI004] Error in kernel tests
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Error running make after implementing printk()
Quoc Anh Nguyen
- [NSWI004] Error running make after implementing printk()
Krisztian Bokor
- [NSWI004] Error running make after implementing printk()
Jan Výkruta
- [NSWI004] Error running make after implementing printk()
Krisztian Bokor
- [NSWI004] Error running make after implementing printk()
Quoc Anh Nguyen
- [NSWI004] getting stack pointer value
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] getting stack pointer value
Peter G
- [NSWI004] getting stack pointer value
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] getting stack pointer value
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] getting stack pointer value
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Grading
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] Grading
ales.kak0s at seznam.cz
- [NSWI004] Grading
- [NSWI004] Grading
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] Grading
Jan Výkruta
- [NSWI004] Grading
Petr Tlapa
- [NSWI004] Grading
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Grading
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Grading for A01 (introduction to kernel)
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] heap_init
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] heap_init
Eliáš Cizl
- [NSWI004] heap_init
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] heap_init
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] heap_init
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] How to cause segmentation fault.
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] How to cause segmentation fault.
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] How to cause segmentation fault.
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] How to cause segmentation fault.
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] How to cause segmentation fault.
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] How to cause segmentation fault.
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] installing toolchain and msim
Pavel Vigilev
- [NSWI004] installing toolchain and msim
Martin Cífka
- [NSWI004] installing toolchain and msim
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Interested in garbage collection ?
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Is it test error or knowledge error?
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] Is it test error or knowledge error?
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Is it test error or knowledge error?
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] Is it test error or knowledge error?
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Is it test error or knowledge error?
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Knowledge Points total
Evan Nichols
- [NSWI004] Knowledge Points total
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Lab machine problem
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] Lab machine problem
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Labs
Michal Půlpán
- [NSWI004] Labs
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] ldd problem
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] ldd problem
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] ldd problem
Andrej Pečimúth
- [NSWI004] ldd problem
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Lecture recordings folder
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Jan Výkruta
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Thomas Mol
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Jan Výkruta
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Kryštof Višňák
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Michal Tichý
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Kryštof hrubý
- [NSWI004] Looking for a cool team
Jan Šmejkal
- [NSWI004] Looking for a last team member
Miroslav Valach
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team
Baatyrbekov, Beksultan
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team
o.zalesak at email.cz
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team
klaracihlarova98 at seznam.cz
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team
NodariGogatisvili at seznam.cz
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team mate
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team mate
Michal Tichý
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team mate
Evan Nichols
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team mate
Thomas Mol
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team mate
Vojtěch Lengál
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team member
Pavel Vigilev
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team member
Tomáš Zeman
- [NSWI004] Looking for a team member
NodariGogatisvili at seznam.cz
- [NSWI004] Memory detection
Jan Fürst
- [NSWI004] Memory detection
František Trebuňa
- [NSWI004] Memory detection
Jan Fürst
- [NSWI004] memset missing reference
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] memset missing reference
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] memset missing reference
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] MIPS Cross Compiler Toolchain on Arch Linux
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] MIPS Cross Compiler Toolchain on Arch Linux
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] MIPS simulator tutorial exercises
Michal Tichý
- [NSWI004] MIPS simulator tutorial exercises
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] More notes for A00 and A01
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] New quiz and before class material in the repo + Extra assignment machine
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] New quizzes and team creation ...
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Nswi004 - team directory check
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Nswi004 - team directory check
Pavel Vigilev
- [NSWI004] objdump complains about .bss size
Káně, Vojtěch
- [NSWI004] objdump complains about .bss size
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Odevzdávání dotazníků
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] os - uloha freq
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Pipeline failing, empty answers
Evan Nichols
- [NSWI004] Pipeline failing, empty answers
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Pipeline failing, empty answers
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Pipeline failing, empty answers
Evan Nichols
- [NSWI004] Pipeline failing, empty answers
Krisztian Bokor
- [NSWI004] Pipeline failing, empty answers
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Planned network outage starting 11PM
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] printk %pF
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] printk %pF
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Problems with installing msim
Katarína Dančejová
- [NSWI004] Problems with installing msim
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Problem with PIE
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Problem with PIE
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Problem with PIE
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Problem with PIE
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Problem with PIE
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] Q4 in 02-code-stack-graded
Georgii Ekserdzhian
- [NSWI004] Q4 in 02-code-stack-graded
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Question about the graded test
Monika Bošániová
- [NSWI004] Questions about assignment 00
Quoc Anh Nguyen
- [NSWI004] Questions about assignment 00
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Quick Survey: Lecture recording preferences
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Quiz updates
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Quiz updates
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Quiz updates and grading updates
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Quiz updates and grading updates
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] Quiz updates and grading updates
Natalia Potocekova
- [NSWI004] Quiz updates and grading updates
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Recording-friday Discussioon
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] Recording-friday Discussioon
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Petr Tlapa
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Peter Fačko
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Regarding Project Activity Points
Ondřej Roztočil
- [NSWI004] simple_printf
Jakub Růžička
- [NSWI004] simple_printf
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] simple_printf with pointers
Krisztian Bokor
- [NSWI004] simple_printf with pointers
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Team membership
Samuel Karaš
- [NSWI004] tester.py in WSL
Tomáš Kubíček
- [NSWI004] tester.py in WSL
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Time management
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] Time management
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Time management
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] Using external code in your assignments
Petr Tůma
- [NSWI004] What is %pF?
jakub.pelc at email.cz
- [NSWI004] What is %pF?
Vojtech Horky
- [NSWI004] Where to put it?
Sebastian Uhlík
- [NSWI004] Where to put it?
Petr Tuma
- [NSWI004] Where to put it?
Lubomír Bulej
- [NSWI004] WSL support
Jura Pelc
- [NSWI004] WSL support
Eliáš Cizl
Last message date:
Fri Oct 30 21:05:32 CET 2020
Archived on: Fri Oct 30 21:05:36 CET 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).