[NSWI004] ldd problem

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Oct 12 06:26:00 CEST 2020


Dne 10. 10. 20 v 7:20 Georgii Ekserdzhian napsal(a):
> Good morning,
> I made a simple script for Q1 to determine the average number of 
> dependencies.
> But for some files in /bin/ I get one of these:
> 1) not a dynamic executable
> 2) ldd error: you do not have read permissions for `/bin name/`
> 3) ldd warning: you do not have execution permission for `/bin name/`
> 4) ldd /bin name/: not a regular file
> Do I just disregard these files?

Yes, simply ignore them.

As a matter of fact, you cannot do much more about it. ldd does not make 
sense on (1). ldd needs to read the file (2). Non-executable file will 
probably not be a dynamically loaded binary at all anyway (3). Case (4) 
should be handled by adding -type f to find, perhaps.

Hope this helps,
- VH

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