[NSWI004] objdump complains about .bss size

Káně, Vojtěch vojtech.kane at gbl.cz
Mon Oct 12 12:13:03 CEST 2020

I hope this question is fine given it relates to a current graded quiz.

I was trying to answer Q5. Using the instruction, I downloaded a piece
of code and compiled it both as PIE (`g++ -fpie -fpic -o pi code.cc`)
and not PIE (`g++ -fno-pie -fno-pic -o nopi code.cc`).

When I run `objdump -D file` no matter on which of the executables
(hope this is not spoiling too much), I get reasonably looking output,
however stderr contains:

objdump: error: nopi(.bss) section size (0x8000128 bytes) is larger
than file size (0x4ed8 bytes)
objdump: Reading section .bss failed because: memory exhausted

What is the cause of the problem? Can I safely ignore it?

Thank you in advance,
Vojtěch Káně

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