[NSWI004] What is %pF?

Vojtech Horky horky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Oct 9 21:41:06 CEST 2020


Dne 09. 10. 20 v 17:23 jakub.pelc at email.cz napsal(a):
> I see people discussing some %pF specifier as if it were part of the 
> assignment, but I can't see it anywhere in the assignment text. What is 
> %pF supposed to do and should we implement it?

Sorry, this somehow got omitted from the assignment text but it remained 
in the tests. Because this is my mistake, we will not penalize you if 
you do not implement %pF at all (though I highly recommend you to do so 
as it could be very useful later on).

%pF is another extension (like %pL) that prints first four instructions 
of a given function (i.e. parameter is a function pointer). Format is 
given in the test, as with %pL this is mostly a debugging feature.

Updated text is already in the upstream repository.

Also note that assignment tests are again split into two groups: base 
and extended. It serves as another hint of what is the more and less 
important part of the assignment (e.g. in A01, implementing %pL is less 
important than implementing %x).

Generally, incomplete base part means that you will not be able to 
continue towards next assignment (because you would miss a core 
functionality). If you do not implement the extended part, you would 
receive less points and working with your kernel could become a bit less 
developer-friendly (e.g. missing debugging features or slower execution).

- VH

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