[NSWI080] After Lecture Information

Petr Tůma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Apr 24 15:42:29 CEST 2020


the videos from the lecture today are here:

https://youtu.be/nK_XaoBA56Q JGroups
https://youtu.be/xOaWUSAIDyk DHT Protocols
https://youtu.be/pYN3BThfIVY Hazelcast
https://youtu.be/XviHwYiPbxE EJB

For the next labs, you will be using Hazelcast. For the labs after that, the technology is EJB, which was described briefly at the end of the lecture today. If you want to get a better feel for how EJB works, I suggest you download the JEE SDK (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-ee-sdk-download.html) and take a look at the Duke's Bookstore example from the tutorial. A few steps to get you started:

- Unpack the SDK into the "glassfish5" directory in your HOME directory (the path is hardcoded in some of the build scripts).

- In `docs/javaee-tutorial/examples/pom.xml`, you may need to change the version of the Cargo plugin from 1.4.4 to something like 1.6.7 to get the demo to compile.

- Launch the EJB server with `bin/asadmin start-domain ; bin/asadmin start-database`.

- Change to `docs/javaee-tutorial/examples/case-studies/dukes-bookstore` and do `mvn install` to compile and deploy the example.

The application is then available at http://localhost:8080/dukes-bookstore. From the sources, you might want to take a look at these:

- `src/main/java/javaeetutorial/dukesbookstore/entity/Book.java` for an example entity, this takes care of storing book information in the database

- `src/main/java/javaeetutorial/dukesbookstore/ejb/BookRequestBean.java` for an example EJB session bean, this provides services such as listing books

- `src/main/webapp/bookcatalog.xhtml` for a JSF template that uses the beans to provide data for the template, this is the user interface template

- `src/main/java/javaeetutorial/dukesbookstore/web/managedbeans/BookstoreBean.java` for an example CDI session bean, this handles the user interface events

Minus unexpected changes, the next lecture is scheduled for Friday May 15, at the usual time.

Finally, unless I missed somebody, I think all students present at the lecture today were Czech or Slovak speakers. We have two students registered for the course who do not speak either of the two languages, and they might want to view the recordings, which is why I have continued in English today. Please, if you decide to leave the course, do let me know so that I know what language to continue in.

Thank you, and see you in three weeks.


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